Lost Dog
It was a sad day on Monday. DJ and I came home and let Soph out in the backyard, as we have been doing since the move. The weather has been so nice that we wanted to give her a little fresh air and play time. Needless to say, when I went out about 2 hours later to give her dinner, she was gone. I have no idea how she got out. She did this once before about two months ago, when we first moved into the house. We found her right away, though, and we plugged up what we thought was the hole in the fence through which she escaped. She has outsmarted me again, though! I think she is either small enough to squeeze through the gap between the fence and the gate, or she is outright climbing the fence. Either way, she is being a bad dog!
I'm worried about her, though. I went to Animal Control yesterday and looked to see if they had picked her up, but she wasn't there. DJ and I put signs all around the neighborhood last night, but we haven't gotten any calls yet. He also called the closest vet office to see if anyone has brought her in. We live on such a busy street. I hope that she is okay and that she comes home soon!
SOPH LOAF!!!!!!!!!! please please come back. this is sad news- keep me posted and i will keep my fingers and toes crossed that she comes home soon.
I know! I am so sad! Thanks for the good thoughts, psmee. I know she will be back soon!
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