Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dirty Deed

I'm finally updating my blog (thanks for all your help, Jen!). I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to write a new entry. It has taken me awhile to figure out how to change the background. The next step is to figure out how to edit pictures. I think I should be able to add some more photos this weekend.

So, I went running tonight with my husband's coworker. We have hung out a few times before, and I really like her. This is the first time we have ever been running together. I was excited about the possibility of having a new exercise partner.

Anyway, she invited me to go trail running at this park in Sandy Springs. I work in Duluth, so it's a pretty long haul to get over there. I was a little late finishing up with some stuff at work, so I ducked into the bathroom at 5:20 to change into my running clothes. I had put on my shorts and shoes when I realized that I forgot to bring a sports bra. Crap! It was too far to go home, so I had to stop by a store on the way to the park.

I ran into Target and bought the first one I could find (it happened to be on sale!). I ran back into the parking lot and hopped into the car. Then I stopped - how was I going to get the thing on? Screw it. I did the most unlady-like thing possible. I glanced around to see if anyone was looking, and I put that thing on in the Target parking lot. Classy, huh?


jd said...

It looks great, Laura! :) :) :)

Sarah said...

sweet update laura - good work ladies!

that sportsbra maneuver is CLASSIC. hope you had a good run

psmee said...

i changed bras once while driving down 316!

glad to see you're back, radiotower.