Thursday, June 21, 2007

I'm a Bee!!

I just found out that I got accepted to the Masters of Building Construction program at Georgia Tech. Yay! Now the work begins. Don't worry, though - I'll always be a Dawg!

Monday, June 11, 2007


It's taken me a week to get these up, but I finally have the pictures from our trip out West uploaded to Flickr.

I added labels to them to tell what/where they are. I hope those show up.

We started in Vegas on Wednesday. We met Carly & Robbie there, which was awesome! If you go to Vegas in the near future, I highly recommend the Bellagio. Not only do they have about 5 swimming pools, but some of them are chilled for your comfort. Wouldn't want the guests to get too hot while laying out, now would we? If you're feeling thirsty, just raise the little flag on the back of your deck chair and the waitress will come right over to take your order. (My favorite bev was the "Pink" - so yummy and refreshing!).

The gym & spa are awesome, but a little expensive ($25 for a day). I will say, though, that it was one of the best workouts I've ever had. I got to run on the treadmill with my own private tv screen. Halfway through, the lady came around with chilled, scented towels. Completely amazing.

We tried very hard to go to Pure because we all wanted to see some celebs. Alas, we weren't able to even get up to the door. They had the strangest line system outside ever. Basically, it looked like only hot girls were getting in and everyone else was swarming around trying to get in. We even saw someone try to bribe a bouncer. After about 20 minutes, we gave up and went to Club Light in the Bellagio. It was way easier to get in, didn't cost anything, and played good music. We totally rocked it until last call.

Another highlight of Vegas was the helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon. Since we weren't there for very long, this was perfect because it only takes about 4 hours altogether. They land you on the Canyon floor and serve you breakfast or lunch (depending on the time). They also fly you over the strip and the Hoover Dam. We got some of the most amazing pictures.

After Vegas, we rented a Jeep and drove to Sequoia National Forest. It feels like you are in another world. A world in which you are very, very small. The biggest tree on the planet is there (the General Sherman Tree). It's so big that, if you filled it with water, it would have enough water inside to supply an average American household for 3.5 years. It's also bigger than the Statue of Liberty. It was completely awe-inspiring and amazing.

From there, we drove to Santa Cruz. It took awhile to get there, but it was a beautiful drive. California is so different from the South! It was so cool to drive through the desert and the mountains. We pulled into Sant Cruz around 5 pm, just in time to meet the Still Flyin' gang at the hotel. They played that night, and the show was great! They even invited Excalibrah on stage for a version of "Have You Ever Been This Gansta?"

After Santa Cruz, we drove down the PCH and stayed in Montery and Carmel. Both were beautiful. We went whale watching in Montery. It was cold, but it turned out to be a great day to go. We saw humpback whales breaching and slapping their fins on the water.

The last stop was Los Angeles. We stayed with some of D's friends from high school. They took us to some of their favorite places. The first was The Dresden, where I found my other favorite bev of the trip - a Blood and Sand. We also went to a very cool bar called Nic's, and we ate the Tower of Seafood at Mastro's.

All in all, this was one of my favorite trips of all time!